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作为一家拥有全球客户群的国际企业, 走出星际网赌导航一直是我们创新文化的一部分. 我们与工业界合作, companies and academia in markets around the world to pursue inspiration that leads to profitable innovations.


星际网赌导航创新文化的根源在于瑞典, but the company has long looked further afield for inspiration and partnerships. Nowadays we have customers in more than 100 countries and have employees from more than 60 nationalities in 35 different countries. Wherever there are customers, there is the potential for innovative local partnerships.
Most of Saab’s major international deals include decades long partnerships in the countries in which our customers are based. These partnerships include different levels of industrial cooperation and collaboration between academia and authorities, 其目的是让各方都受益. 星际网赌导航拥抱这种合作关系,尤其是在研究方面, technology and innovation as we aspire to become local long-term knowledge partners in the our new home markets. Therefore we promote such collaboration beyond any contractual obligations.


The 真正的合作 series shows details of the 巴西ian Gripen and demonstrates its importance for the 巴西ian 空军. 我们提出了关于高可用性的主题, 电子战, 表演, 智能维护解决方案, 技术转让等等.

视频- 02:13

当一个国家进行重大国内投资时, such as acquiring infrastructure or 国防 equipment such as fighter jets, 卖家经常被要求创造就业机会, transfer technology or strengthen the local market’s domestic skill base. 这种要求在国防工业中尤为普遍. Saab see these parts of the major deals as an opportunity to increase our partner and innovation base and use the new home countries as an integrated part of our technology and innovation strategy.


Saab’s ability to quickly respond and adapt to an ever-changing world is essential for us to remain a partner who our customers can count on. Our commitment to having a ‘Thinking Edge’ means that we have to think and act in an innovative way across all disciplines. Saab’s International Partnerships function is a proactive and agile strategy where we focus on innovation partnerships and collaborations worldwide. Here, we use our ‘Triple Helix’ approach, a hallmark of the Swedish 创新 System.

Saab’s history of working closely with the Swedish state on its 国防 requirements mean that we have long worked in synergy with academia, 行业和政府机构的重大项目. Combining the research talent of universities and technical education institutions, 工业的生产和技术专长, and the procurement and administrative power of governmental bodies gives us the leverage to deliver the huge, 星际网赌导航业务核心的多年期项目.

Sweden has a culture of cooperation, transparency and flat, rather than hierarchical, organisations. 这使得这个国家更容易创新. 我们一起解决问题.
Magnus Ahlström,星际网赌导航全球创新主管.

This ‘Triple Helix’ was crucial to the development of the Gripen fighter system, 星际网赌导航历史上具有里程碑意义的项目之一. 当我们在新市场建立公司时, we strive to transfer this Swedish 创新 System thinking to our work there.



当巴西在2014年从星际网赌导航购买鹰狮系统时, 它也为实质性的工业合作铺平了道路, 技术转让. In 2015, 50名巴西工程师来到瑞典工作一年, starting a multi-year collaboration that will ultimately see 350 巴西ian technicians take part, 交流见解,促进创新.

在巴西, the Swedish 巴西ian 创新 and Research Center (CISB) works as an innovation hub to identify, 开发和支持先进技术的研究和开发, 特别是在环境领域, 国防, 和运输. 该组织有超过17个成员和100多个合作伙伴.
想了解更多关于CISB的信息, 点击这里.


In 芬兰, a melting pot for innovation, the epicentre might be seen in and around Aalto University. 阿尔托是一家前理工学院的企业集团, 一所设计学院和一所商学院, 以著名设计师阿尔瓦·阿尔托命名. Saab found here a perfect partner for development of next generation microwave solutions. 我们已经建立了一个包括星际网赌导航工程师在内的研究项目计划. Concurrent around 10 projects are running and the output is used to develop applications and products both in Saab 芬兰 and in other Saab sites. 这也是与芬兰查尔姆斯大学共同完成的. Every year a Saab Aalto conference is arranged to show results and to grow the partnership in 芬兰 and around the world.


The Sweden-印度 Transport Safety and 创新 Partnership was launched in February 2020, 目的是使用连接性, 情况, 自动化, and AI to implement effective technology and system-level measures to improve traffic safety in 印度, 那里有150个,每年有1000人死于交通事故. Saab joins fellow Swedish companies and innovation bodies such as Ericsson, Chalmers University of Technology and RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) in this initiative.



Saab’s 全球创新 team takes a multi-dimensional approach to fostering innovation in markets where Saab is present, 包括:

  • Establishing innovations arenas and coordinating events to support innovation-related business in emerging markets, 还有巨额合同以及战略和长期合作伙伴.
  • Facilitating a network for market issues among market area and business area functions
  • Coordinating research mobility to ensure next generation innovations through our scholarship programme and international university collaboration
  • 参与Team Sweden 创新平台, 将瑞典和星际网赌导航打造成技术合作伙伴
  • Designing and coordinating courses and lectures in collaboration with universities


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